Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Right here, right now.

Oh heeey :]

I've spent a lot of time forever trying to decide what my first blog post would be. Why is "the first post" so intimidating? Am I supposed to talk about me? ...That's awkward. Do I start with a quick explanation of why I'm here and what I plan to blog about (spoiler alert: it's gonna be a whole lot of everything, because I love random!)? Should I plan something out? ...while I am a fan of planning, I also just think some things you need to follow your gut on. 

That being said, lets talk about right here, right now. Pops decided sometime in the last month that he'd just throw away his old license. Why? "Because I've only got one eye!!" That's his favorite excuse. He actually does have two. But he can only see out of one now, and he will pull the one-eye-card any time he can (ex: Why are there 9 tubs of icecream in your freezer?! One eye...of course!)  He kept in his is wallet for the last 5 years since it expired and he doesn't drive, but naturally, threw it away the month before he'd need it. Like to buy a car. So checking off things on our to-do list (lalalove those!) while I'm here, we woke up nice and oh so too early for the DDS. In Las Vegas, it's the DMV, here it's the DDS. Worldwide it's known as hell ;) Pops needed an ID card. 

Anything outside of a five mile radius with two people in their 80's, I call a field trip. Everyone likes them, but it's just not practical to have one every day. Today was a field trip and a half! My old people do what they want, when they want to. Just imagine one unbuckling herself while on the freeway, me leaning back with one arm to help her re-buckle, reminding her it's illegal and dangerous to not have it on, while the other is pushing every single new button he sees and admiring the touch screen on the dash. There's a new description for multi-tasking in my world, and it's driving on the Georgia 400 with half of yourself helping someone in the backseat while being blasted with A/C and then extreme heat, the windsheild wipers turning on and the emergency flashers going off. Lookout Atlanta, the #hotmessexpress is headed your way!

Believe it or not, we were only 15 minutes from the house. We got to the DDS and I laughed at the 182 person max capacity. At home, there's usually 182 people in front of you, not in the building entirely! But I wasn't complaining, less than an hour there and we were on our way. Time flew by, which was great because when your hearing isn't what it used to be you also don't tell secrets that greatly. So the guy with the ugly neon shoes Granny pointed out now knows about his fashion fail in her opinion, as does the guy in front of us with the pants falling down "so you can almost see his butt!". And Pops made sure to tell each employee we talked to that he doesn't understand why it takes so long, "it's ridiculous!".

I've yet to have a couple toddlers, but if/when I do, I imagine an outing alone with them to be much like what like these field trips are. It's funny. And frustrating. And tiring. And so so so worth the memories :] 

So, that's what's happening. That's how this first post is going down. And to be honest, I couldn't think of a better start - than 2,000 miles away from home, in Atlanta on a last minute trip to G&P's (that's Granny and Pops, for anyone who doesn't know me :]), helping out my favorite old people. If you keep reading, you can get to know me a little down the road, I'll probably really never do an "about me" post (again, awkward!) or end up sticking to whatever blog plan I thought I'd make and keep, but that's how my life is. Some fun, some crafty, some random, some G&P, and a whole lot of Pepper! 

**Side note: not sure on the title yet. We'll figure that out later!


  1. Loved the first post! Your G&P are so funny; I already get a kick at what you put on IG, so reading more in detail what they do and you go through with them is even more funny!

    1. Thank you! Soon I'll be with them a lot more, I can't wait to share more news on that! ;]

  2. Loved the first post! Your G&P are so funny; I already get a kick at what you put on IG, so reading more in detail what they do and you go through with them is even more funny!

  3. You're a lucky girl. I wish that I had documented everyday, normal, ordinary moments in my life when I was younger. You are going to look back on all these stories one day and thank yourself, as will your children, for taking the time to talk about your life. I can't wait to read the next post....and don't worry about it at all. Just write. And if there's not another post for a month, don't worry about it. You have to have fun and enjoy the process or you won't keep at it.

    But, I do hope once you get back, that you'll share some of your awesome craftiness and some Pepper stories, too!

    Hugs to G&P, I feel like I know them!

  4. Thanks for your kind words and advice. I've always been a documenter/journaler/lister :] I cant wait to build this bad boy up and have fun looking back as time passes!
