Sunday, April 3, 2016

One Year In Atlanta

"A lot can change in a year."

No shit! :] Wow, have I missed blogging! I actually had a couple different drafts I'd written in attempt to break the silence and briefly explain the multi-month gap between my last post and now, but winging it sounds much better. There's been a few big changes in life since I was here last, and now that things have evened out a little bit, I'm happy to be back. To those who've followed along and been a part of the past year, thank you. Our family's loss came quickly and unexpectedly, and honestly, it would have been so much harder without the support/thoughts/prayers. If you're new here, being late is a bad habit ;] Kidding! I can summarize by saying that last year I dropped everything to come live an unpredictable, bicoastal life (between Las Vegas and Atlanta) to help take care of my favorite old people, my grandparents. It hasn't been easy but I've tried to keep it fun, and one year later I am happy to call it MY life. Here's a quick breakdown of some lessons learned and things I want to remember about 2015:
  • Life is short. Cliche as it sounds... life is very short. Live good & Love big.
  • There are serious flaws in the medical system. Your instincts never need an explanation and never feel wrong for questioning the world of medicine. I did. And I'm positive things wouldn't have turned out in our favor had I not.
  • Pops being 90 is more exciting than all previous ages. 90 you guys, 90!
  • The guy you thought was 'the guy' might just be best as an old memory. Let it be. 
  • Never place all the first-timers on the same side of the canoe. #preparetogetwet
  • 8 1/2 months away from Pepper is a horrible idea. Why did I leave half of my heart in Vegas!?
  • If you need help, ask for it. Life became so much easier in Atlanta when I 
  • Humidity may be the best thing my hair has ever had lol. So healthy and long! 
  • Good intentions were behind the failed Christmas dinner. I swear.
  • True friendships know no distance. I've said it before, but I have the best friends :]
That list could've been way longer! But those are what come to mind when I think back and wonder just how I survived 2015. My life is forever changed from the past year. Loss is never easy but it is something we all have in common. Given the chance to let something make or break me, I forever choose the first. 

So what now!? 

I started this blog after years of procrastinating. YEARS! I wasn't sure what this little corner of the internet would be about and if I'd even enjoy keeping it. I am sure that I want this place to be a current representation of my life. This blog had to take a backseat to bigger priorities last year, but I'm definitely back. I'll only be 28 once and I plan to make the most of it. If you'd like to follow along for 2016, expect a little crazy and a whole lot of random :] 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Red, White && Boom!

It's August, guys. A u g u s t !! Now that things have settled down a little over here, let me recap what July was like from my point of view. From the holiday to my first Tennessee visit to a broken arm... we pretty much covered a little bit of every aspect of life in those 31 days (we as in me + G&P, because yes, I'm still in Atlanta. You didn't know?!). Instead of one lengthy post, I'll break it down into a couple posts, come back tomorrow for the rest.

I love the 4th! I love any reason to celebrate and have a themed party, but having the entire country celebrate our freedom and honor the people who have made and continue to make that possible is awesome. It's pretty hard to set definitive plans within this family so I swear up until the day before all we knew for sure was that we'd spend the day with family, food & fireworks. It secretly really drives my Type A/OCD personality crazy, but #familyisforever so you just go with the flow :]

I'm usually in charge of decorations (shocker!) and I honestly went shopping the night before with "go big or go home" in mind. I've spent about every holiday in Atlanta at some point in my life, but I think the last time I was here for the Fourth was with my dad around 14 or 15. That was the best 4th of July ever. My entire family was together, people who have since passed (including him) were all in one place at one time and having the most fun. The 4th of July had to be one of my dad's favorite holidays. That specific day was so "him", that I can remember being there in the moment thinking we'd all never forget it. I remember he and my uncles going to get a keg, asking for some beer in my solo cup but not being allowed to have any, haha, hundreds of dollars in illegal fireworks && all of the neighbors coming over to sit in chairs and on blankets on G&P's long driveway for the show. Ironically, even this year just about everyone (including the neighbors!) brought that day up. It made this year a little bittersweet for sure.

Of course, there was a high chance of rain, so our outdoor deck party got changed to an inside feast. I was weary of the dollar store balloons I picked up...but let me tell you, those cheap things were the best and longest lasting balloons I've ever bought in my life. And that's a lot! I actually buy balloons so much that I'm positive when I have kids I'll just invest in my own helium tank to keep in my garage. I learned last year when I was designated the "birthday planner" at work for my coworkers that the country is actually in a "helium drought" and that's why balloons are so expensive, and sometimes unavailable (because of the high demand and being sold out before another delivery). I'm not even kidding! Now don't say I've never taught you a random fact :) After 3 weeks I gave up waiting for them to deflate and left them out with the trash. So for future reference, the dollar store is definitely the way to go! 

If you follow me on instagram (@jennbartley) you saw how cute and coordinated myself and G&P were. I didn't force anyone to wear anything...but I did give each of them the option of red, white or blue and said we all can't pick the same, lmao! Granny loved it. Pops wasn't thrilled - but ya know, he loves me a lot :] We ate so much food, laughed a lot, some went swimming, but we missed out on fireworks. Georgia lifted their law on fireworks being illegal effective July 1st, and the inventory literally flew off the shelves. With every neighboring state selling fireworks legally, Georgia realized that people driving a couple hours to the state border was only benefiting that state in taxes versus their own. It was a bummer to only have a few small ones I'd picked up at Target, but we definitely saw the prettiest displays over the trees all around us and heard the booms late into the night.

This was Pepper's first Fourth of July in 2011. That bow lasted 3.4 seconds, but was so worth the 20 minutes of making!
I realized when I went to bed that I hardly took any pictures to do the full house, overload of food, and fun time any justice. But that's usually how it works out! I also missed having Pepper underneath the covers between my legs, freaking out from every pop and boom. I was extra grateful to my mom that day for keeping him safe and calm on probably a dog's worst night of the year!

Till next year, Independence Day!

Saturday, June 27, 2015


Is it really already about to be July?! As a teenager I never stopped to think about how fast or slow a year passed by, but now in my late 20's it seems to be a reoccurring thing. Does this mean I'm all grown up? ...jk, I'm good. I had cookie dough for breakfast at least twice this past week :]

In total "us" fashion, Granny had to have an impromptu oral surgery a couple days ago. I mean, it'd be too easy if everything just ran smoothly for me, ya know?! So last minute, I arranged for a neighbor to help with Pops' physical therapy appointments and I took G-nasty (that's her nickname from when I was a teenager, lol I'm sure she loves it!) to a surgery she was convinced she was not going to have. I felt so bad, to say the least. But everything turned out well, the surgeon even came out to let me know that he and his staff feel honored to have met our family. I know I say all the time how great G&P are, but it's so nice to hear it come from others as well. My grandmother is one of the toughest people I know. She has yet to complain of pain, discomfort, or even try to take it easy here at home. She still spends most of her day checking on Pops, doing all the dishes, and waking me up to ask me what time I'm waking up. Some things never change!

So, with Pops still recovering from the brain bleed and Granny only a couple days post-op, we're going to be taking it easy this weekend. You know, taking a break from our usual dare-devil activities and doing more channel surfing versus popping wheelies in grocery store wheelchairs. #retirementisthuglife. I'd be lying if I said I knew the day and date each time I'm asked. Some days we have our shit together and other days we stay in our pajamas and eat breakfast at 4pm. It's completely normal, right?! Right!

We had lunch at Atlanta Bread Co. on Friday and I made it to the pool just in time for one of the random Georgia thunderstorms. Our Saturday has been full of lounging around and napping when the rain makes the cable cut out (note to self: we have to get rid of the dish service. Too many trees and storms make it too unreliable). Sunday, I'll spend downtown braving the Ikea crowd and I really hope to find and see this Pray for ATL street art. We're having a 4th of July party here at our house next week, and luckily Georgia is lifting the law on illegal fireworks (because it's too easy to drive 2 hours to S. Carolina or Tennessee and just pick them up there). We will have a fun display camped out on the driveway with family, friends, chairs and blankets like we used to with my dad as a kid :]

                                     Day to day might be a little tough, but overall life is good :D

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Currently, June

  • Jumping on board  with The Bachelorette. For the first and last time. Mainly just for this weekly recap I found in blogland. She's hilarious. #nailedit (Does anyone else wish Clint and JJ would get a spin off show about their obvious bromance? Also, I find Kaitlynn super annoying and overly emotional)
  • Sweating  my ass off because G&P's A/C stopped blowing cool air four days ago. 87 degrees upstairs + 70% humidity outside = some miserable days around here. Reliable company finally comes today, F I N A L L Y!
  • That means, we're eating  cookie dough ice cream like it's our job :)
  • Googling  'how long mosquito bites last' (for real) because I spent 20 minutes outside and managed to get a solid 11 bites on my legs and 1 on my shoulder. I learned only the females do the biting. Bitches.
  • Wearing  my thoughts: Life is short, wear sequins (& it's on sale!)
  • SO ready  for Orange Is The New Black, Season 3. If you can't reach me June 12, it's because I'm binge watching all the episodes I can squeeze in.
  • ...praying  Netflix is prepared for the high volume of couch bums Friday night, lol! No but really... I hope they have a game plan!
  • Loving  my first purchase from Candelles. Besides the candles smelling ahhmazing, their packaging is so clean + pretty! I placed my second order last night. Follow up post on the scents coming soon!  Fact: sign up for their newsletter and get a coupon code in your email for your first purchase!
  • Hearing  Eric Church's "Like A Wrecking Ball" for the first time on the CMT Awards and remembering how much I love his relaxing music.  Plus, I'm just glad to associate a wrecking ball with anyone but Miley Cyrus *gag.
  • Missing  Pepper, still. Once you have a dog, you never go back :]

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Home Sweet Home.

I've probably failed lately at keeping all of my different social media outlets fully up to date on Pops' status (Bonus points to those of you that stalk follow me on all of them! You for sure already know this news!) But I finally was able to take him home from the hospital earlier this week. <insert every emoji ever made representing HAPPY here!> 

The decision was somewhat against professional advice, but as his professional favorite granddaughter I believe our final step in healing is to get back into a normal routine at home. ...that & I'm pretty sure authorities would have been part of the big picture had we kept telling him "not yet" when he'd ask if it was time to leave. Can you go to jail for busting out of inpatient rehab? Would there be better food there? I guess we'll never know...I said I appreciate their medical opinion but where do I need to sign!? And just like that, we were watching Judge Judy at 4pm, at home! 

Now bring on the flood of insurance statements and bills. #healthcareinamerica

Friday, June 5, 2015

To Do...

Since this is just the first of millions a bunch of future posts involving examples of my 'love for listing', I better explain the method to my madness. My dream world runs off of lists (Yep, you read that right! Hi, I'm Jenn and I'm addicted to breaking things down, lol!). Not so much the boring-but-necessary ones: like grocery shopping or weekly To Do lists. Those are pretty much mundane reminders that adulthood is real and happening whether you want it to or not :).

I've learned I'm most productive + proactive by combining my organized Type A side (like working best by listing things out) with my creative right-brained side (like loving to doodle, design and create). The end result is a fun, pretty-looking GOAL. For me, it's the process of checking things off and feeling a sense of accomplishment. Is it the end of the world if everything isn't finished? No. But creating a physical reminder clears my mind, helps me sleep easier knowing my ideas are written down - not floating around my brain, and motivates me to get shit done.

On any given day, I've got multiple ongoing lists/goals. Some are for long term purposes (like my 27 at 27 list of things to do over this year) or the above Summer 2015 bucket list (that I'll try to knock out by the end of August). Most of them are short term (like the colorful post-it display of stuff to do around G&P's house) and often I'll turn one single idea/thought into a list by breaking down what needs to be done or steps to accomplishing it (like posting a blog post every day for a week).

It just works for me. Sometimes it gets tossed once all is said and done and sometimes I tape it into my planner as a memory of what I was doing that week/day. Occasionally, (like my plan is with my Summer 2015 list) I'll use it in a mini book / scrapbook of the subject. Not only is everything organized, but it becomes a little memory of my day-to-day life. 

Now that I've revolutionized your thoughts on making a list (right?!) I hope you all continue to stick around for my crazy, because you can't say I didn't warn you of what's to come ;).  Bottom line, I like to have fun doing boring stuff. And if that means having the cutest shopping list at Target each week, just call me #winning!
PS. in publicizing my summer bucket list my hope is that I'm held to checking things off of it! I like summer, but I happen to love winter, so without some goals I'd probably settle and just enjoy the A/C. Plus, Pepper has black hair and he hates the heat ;)

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Hospitals + Rehab.

Surprise! I didn't quit blogging :)
I've been dreading this post, so let's just get it out of the way and move on all the more fun drafts I've completed while pushing this topic to the side.

It's been about a month. Probably the longest e v e r for me over here in Atlanta (you read that right, still here! My April trip extended to May and will for sure enter June injust a few days). I tend to shut down and put temporary walls up whenever I'm stressed or something is wrong. It's completely intentional, drives my friends/family crazy, but it's also not permanent; I just like to have my thoughts/feelings/ideas all figured out in my own head before I'm ready to let anyone else in on them. If that makes sense? AND, I don't like to jinx anything - in case jinxing is as serious in adulthood as it was in childhood. Along with double-dog dares and saying Bloody Mary in a dark bathroom three times!

I called 911 on May 1st for Pops. It'd been a week of some kind of stomach virus, so he was already not feeling well :/ But after too many light falls and then some real concerns on his inability to do things he normally does, I told him it was beyond just me helping and I thought we needed the hospital. He doesn't remember it now, but for the record, I did ask his permission and thankfully he knew he didn't feel right and agreed. I knew we were calling an ambulance, but sometimes people like to think they decided for themselves (thank you college psychology!). We spent the whole next week at the hospital - long live shitty food, vending machines & sweatpants.

The beginning was scary. We were told he has two brain hemorrhages but no one knew exactly why it happened or what any long term damage could be. We can just assume that he hit his head during one of those falls and wait for the brain to (hopefully) naturally reabsorb the blood. Even today, we still aren't sure if he'll go back to normal and be able to do most things independently or if we will have a new normal to adjust to.
After the hospital, we were transferred to an acute rehab located in an older wing of a different hospital farther away. Acute rehab focuses on occupational, physical and speech therapy in a hospital setting to assist with any medical issues or needs. I don't like that it's so far away, but I'm so grateful for that kind of healthcare. Where the hospital focused solely on his health and medicine, rehab works at building independence back up. I got so frustrated with the hospital. They were 'trying' a new medicine every day, he was constantly being sedated to avoid trying to get up and get out of bed (even to use the bathroom! One nurse told me she wouldn't help him get up and he needed to use a bed pan. Wait, what!?). They weren't concerned if he ate or not or if he had been sitting in bed for two days straight. I probaby came off as over protective but Granny and I spent all day every day there to help keep him comfortable and Judge Judy on tv at 4pm. It wasn't a horrible stay, but who really loves the hospital, so my opinions are valid! Most of the staff was nice, the cafeteria lady gave me her schedule for the week and I was bringing Pops free dessert from the kitchen as a get well gift from a woman he'd never met. Everyone there was doing their job, but I don't think looking at charts and numbers is all that's needed when something is wrong, so yay for being discharged and on to inpatient rehab!

He doesn't remember the ambulance transport there, but I think that's just because of old age. I knew when he told the paramedics that 'they had the wrong guy because he'd requested a limo', that he's slowly getting back to normal :) The rehab schedule is like a legit part time job. He spends over 4 hours a day, 5 days a week doing all kinds of therapies. It reminds me of a preschool for the elderly - plus spare oxygen tanks and bigger dipaers in cabinets lol, it's kind of cute. The gym has a bunch of yoga balls and colored wooden blocks to work on fine motor skills and ballet bars along the walls to work on muscle strength. It can also be hard on the heart to see people without family there every day. I remind him daily that we're so lucky because so many around him are in much worse conditions. Plus he has one hell of a fan club in Las Vegas and on Facebook/Instagram (THANK YOU!). They say we have another two weeks in rehab but I haven't told him about that yet. I know he wants to be home and Granny and I think the house is too quiet without CNN turned up too loud every morning. Right now we have good days and we have not-so-good days, so with a little more hard work, patience and me telling the doctors we're not about that medicine life....I hope things keep progressing.

Thank you so much to everyone that has thought of and wished/prayed for Pops. I'm lucky my mom has been spoiling Pepper for the last 7 weeks while I'm here, I'm happy my sister flew out to help and I'm glad my grandparents have the neighbor next door who is just as involved as I am. We are some lucky Bartleys aren't we!

P.S. I wasn't there, but if by chance the nurse that tried to give him his medicine crushed into applesauce in the middle of the night may be reading this, we asked if he spit it back out at you on purpose and his exact words were "Yes. She was nasty" ....sorry we're not sorry! Next time just ask him to take a bite instead of pushing it into a sleeping man's mouth. It wouldn't be so messy :)
Like I say, the sun never sets on a badass!