Sunday, April 3, 2016

One Year In Atlanta

"A lot can change in a year."

No shit! :] Wow, have I missed blogging! I actually had a couple different drafts I'd written in attempt to break the silence and briefly explain the multi-month gap between my last post and now, but winging it sounds much better. There's been a few big changes in life since I was here last, and now that things have evened out a little bit, I'm happy to be back. To those who've followed along and been a part of the past year, thank you. Our family's loss came quickly and unexpectedly, and honestly, it would have been so much harder without the support/thoughts/prayers. If you're new here, being late is a bad habit ;] Kidding! I can summarize by saying that last year I dropped everything to come live an unpredictable, bicoastal life (between Las Vegas and Atlanta) to help take care of my favorite old people, my grandparents. It hasn't been easy but I've tried to keep it fun, and one year later I am happy to call it MY life. Here's a quick breakdown of some lessons learned and things I want to remember about 2015:
  • Life is short. Cliche as it sounds... life is very short. Live good & Love big.
  • There are serious flaws in the medical system. Your instincts never need an explanation and never feel wrong for questioning the world of medicine. I did. And I'm positive things wouldn't have turned out in our favor had I not.
  • Pops being 90 is more exciting than all previous ages. 90 you guys, 90!
  • The guy you thought was 'the guy' might just be best as an old memory. Let it be. 
  • Never place all the first-timers on the same side of the canoe. #preparetogetwet
  • 8 1/2 months away from Pepper is a horrible idea. Why did I leave half of my heart in Vegas!?
  • If you need help, ask for it. Life became so much easier in Atlanta when I 
  • Humidity may be the best thing my hair has ever had lol. So healthy and long! 
  • Good intentions were behind the failed Christmas dinner. I swear.
  • True friendships know no distance. I've said it before, but I have the best friends :]
That list could've been way longer! But those are what come to mind when I think back and wonder just how I survived 2015. My life is forever changed from the past year. Loss is never easy but it is something we all have in common. Given the chance to let something make or break me, I forever choose the first. 

So what now!? 

I started this blog after years of procrastinating. YEARS! I wasn't sure what this little corner of the internet would be about and if I'd even enjoy keeping it. I am sure that I want this place to be a current representation of my life. This blog had to take a backseat to bigger priorities last year, but I'm definitely back. I'll only be 28 once and I plan to make the most of it. If you'd like to follow along for 2016, expect a little crazy and a whole lot of random :] 

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