Is it really already about to be July?! As a teenager I never stopped to think about how fast or slow a year passed by, but now in my late 20's it seems to be a reoccurring thing. Does this mean I'm all grown up? ...jk, I'm good. I had cookie dough for breakfast at least twice this past week :]
In total "us" fashion, Granny had to have an impromptu oral surgery a couple days ago. I mean, it'd be too easy if everything just ran smoothly for me, ya know?! So last minute, I arranged for a neighbor to help with Pops' physical therapy appointments and I took G-nasty (that's her nickname from when I was a teenager, lol I'm sure she loves it!) to a surgery she was convinced she was not going to have. I felt so bad, to say the least. But everything turned out well, the surgeon even came out to let me know that he and his staff feel honored to have met our family. I know I say all the time how great G&P are, but it's so nice to hear it come from others as well. My grandmother is one of the toughest people I know. She has yet to complain of pain, discomfort, or even try to take it easy here at home. She still spends most of her day checking on Pops, doing all the dishes, and waking me up to ask me what time I'm waking up. Some things never change!
So, with Pops still recovering from the brain bleed and Granny only a couple days post-op, we're going to be taking it easy this weekend. You know, taking a break from our usual dare-devil activities and doing more channel surfing versus popping wheelies in grocery store wheelchairs. #retirementisthuglife. I'd be lying if I said I knew the day and date each time I'm asked. Some days we have our shit together and other days we stay in our pajamas and eat breakfast at 4pm. It's completely normal, right?! Right!
We had lunch at Atlanta Bread Co. on Friday and I made it to the pool just in time for one of the random Georgia thunderstorms. Our Saturday has been full of lounging around and napping when the rain makes the cable cut out (note to self: we have to get rid of the dish service. Too many trees and storms make it too unreliable). Sunday, I'll spend downtown braving the Ikea crowd and I really hope to find and see this Pray for ATL street art. We're having a 4th of July party here at our house next week, and luckily Georgia is lifting the law on illegal fireworks (because it's too easy to drive 2 hours to S. Carolina or Tennessee and just pick them up there). We will have a fun display camped out on the driveway with family, friends, chairs and blankets like we used to with my dad as a kid :]
Day to day might be a little tough, but overall life is good :D
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