Friday, June 5, 2015

To Do...

Since this is just the first of millions a bunch of future posts involving examples of my 'love for listing', I better explain the method to my madness. My dream world runs off of lists (Yep, you read that right! Hi, I'm Jenn and I'm addicted to breaking things down, lol!). Not so much the boring-but-necessary ones: like grocery shopping or weekly To Do lists. Those are pretty much mundane reminders that adulthood is real and happening whether you want it to or not :).

I've learned I'm most productive + proactive by combining my organized Type A side (like working best by listing things out) with my creative right-brained side (like loving to doodle, design and create). The end result is a fun, pretty-looking GOAL. For me, it's the process of checking things off and feeling a sense of accomplishment. Is it the end of the world if everything isn't finished? No. But creating a physical reminder clears my mind, helps me sleep easier knowing my ideas are written down - not floating around my brain, and motivates me to get shit done.

On any given day, I've got multiple ongoing lists/goals. Some are for long term purposes (like my 27 at 27 list of things to do over this year) or the above Summer 2015 bucket list (that I'll try to knock out by the end of August). Most of them are short term (like the colorful post-it display of stuff to do around G&P's house) and often I'll turn one single idea/thought into a list by breaking down what needs to be done or steps to accomplishing it (like posting a blog post every day for a week).

It just works for me. Sometimes it gets tossed once all is said and done and sometimes I tape it into my planner as a memory of what I was doing that week/day. Occasionally, (like my plan is with my Summer 2015 list) I'll use it in a mini book / scrapbook of the subject. Not only is everything organized, but it becomes a little memory of my day-to-day life. 

Now that I've revolutionized your thoughts on making a list (right?!) I hope you all continue to stick around for my crazy, because you can't say I didn't warn you of what's to come ;).  Bottom line, I like to have fun doing boring stuff. And if that means having the cutest shopping list at Target each week, just call me #winning!
PS. in publicizing my summer bucket list my hope is that I'm held to checking things off of it! I like summer, but I happen to love winter, so without some goals I'd probably settle and just enjoy the A/C. Plus, Pepper has black hair and he hates the heat ;)

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