Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Part 2: a little G&P update

Before I get into part 2 of my trip update... today may have been the prettiest day, ever. Staying on track, of course, with the most unpredictable weather I've seen in a long time! In a world full of all the best filters, this didn't need a single one :]

It's been an event-filled past few days. I've always said I need to write a book. Not necessarily to be published and for the public to see, but for sure to have some of the funny and memorable stories of my life written down in one place to look back and laugh at. You know, when my memory may not be so clear on that horrible first date with whats-his-name or the time my sister and alcohol convinced me I'd look great with a pierced lip (Sorry Mom!). Finding a frog next to my bed the other night would most definitely make the book.

Before you judge, I get it. Everyone from my mom to the neighbor next door has reminded me that frogs are harmless. I get it. But it doesn't mean you'd sign up to share a bedroom with one overnight! And I'm from the desert. Regardless of any desert myth, I've never had a scorpion or tarantula in (or probably even around) my house. Thanks to land development and pest control, unless you're living in a tent near the mountains, I don't think many people ever see one themselves. But in Georgia, I swear there has to be a new breed of insect and any animal you can think of, all living directly in the woods in your backyard. That scares me so much!

I went into my room to head to bed around 2am (fact: Pops doesn't share the remote, so I have to catch up on my shows after he's gone to bed. We're all addicted to the Duggars, Royals and Married At First Sight, right? Right! :]) I saw a spot on the wall and thought "that's a huge cockroach", but getting closer I realized it was really a frog. A little one, just a tree frog, about 3 inches big while sitting and more like 6 inches stretching out. It really sucked to be the only person in the house that could handle that problem. Right then and there, I wondered how to tell my grandparents I was heading back home, haha! I seriously considered waking Pops up, but he can't move fast enough to catch a frog. Granny was actually my first thought, but nothing scares her and at this point it was literally climbing around the crown molding on the ceiling, so I just knew she'd say to leave it be - and that wasn't an option. It took 40 minutes, a phone call to a friend in Vegas to hear me use every curse word I could think of, 3 trash cans, and a whole lot of courage to catch him. Or her. I don't like things that move or jump faster than I can think. I really hope there's only one frog story in my to-be book. I haven't gone to sleep since without doing a full scan of the entire room and walls...will life ever be the same?!

Yesterday was a blog post writing itself. I woke up to Granny at my bedroom door saying "Jennifer, he's really gonna do it this time!" I don't even know what went through my head. Pops has and will always do absolutely anything he wants (fact: it took so much convincing to have him pay his taxes this year lol, "the IRS can just come and ask me for them if they really want it!" was his mindset). I like to think of it this way: when you have twenty years on the door greeter at Walmart, you kinda walk around life doing what you want. He's not my 89 year old badass for nothing! I follow her outside to find him behind the wheel of my new car. Mr. One Eye doesn't drive anymore, you're welcome Atlanta. "I'm just seeing what it feels like" he said. He asked to drive down the street...and I caved. I'm pretty sure that's illegal on every level, but it was worth letting him feel independent and be in control (with my hand on the E-brake!). Granny wasn't happy, but she still got in the backseat for a quick ride.

Ironically, he did really well. He's a huge fan of having cameras that show what's behind and next to you on the screen. He can't believe he didn't think of that himself and wants to know if he can play a movie on there as well :] I can't wait for him to pull the "one eye" card with me next. I'll have to remind him of his little rendezvous driving the car....so remind me again why you ate pie for breakfast and are making a milkshake for lunch? You can't see what?? (fact: that happened today.)

Can we love these two any more or what?!

1 comment:

  1. I must say you make it easy to love granny and pops, I really would love to hang out with a true badass like him! Vegas has tons of frogs Jen!
